Media and Publications Breaking Barriers in Tech: My Story on Her NetworkPublications Featured in Intermediair: Addressing the Gender Pay Gap on #EqualPayDayInterviews Featured in EenVandaag: Navigating Gender Transition at WorkInterviews, Publications Featured Interview: Role Models in Diversity – Taskforce DiversiteitInterviews, Publications Featured Article: My Journey in IT – Datacentered MagazineInterviews, Publications Featured Podcast: Ode aan Onzekerheid, Discussing Gender Transition and UncertaintyPodcasts Featured in Intermediair: Discussing Gender Privileges in the IT SectorInterviews Featured Interview: Discussing the Utrecht Art Lending HackInterviews Featured Webinar: Forging Queer Leaders: Creating Impact from AdversityWebinars Selected as one of the Voices of a New Era of LeadersPublications Featured on the Microsoft MVP Communities BlogInterviews Featured on the Rebel Women Podcast (The Nine)Podcasts Featured on the ‘Met de Billen Bloot’ PodcastPodcasts Featured on the ‘Schandalige’ PodcastPodcasts Featured on the Dutch Women in Tech PodcastPodcasts Interview for Dutch Women in TechInterviews